Resident Evil Code: Veronica

start date: july 13, 2024
status: unfinished
developer capcom
guide used: game chronicles


aug. 5. 24- finally playing again! it's been a busy few weeks and i don't like starting this game if i can't play for a while.

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remembered to put my ribbons away, again! yahoo.

i organized my inventory and made my way to the training facility. a huge worm burst from the ground as i entered the courtyard and my guide tells me to ignore it so i do. i run into the building, use my new keycard and i go down a previously unexplored corridor. alfred has been laughing(insanely) at me this whole time and now he's trying to snipe me. thankfully, he's pretty skittish and once i'm up the stairs he runs off.

the next room i'm in alfred traps me and gives me some more bizarre laughter. I make a pit stop in the save room before moving further into the area. I grab some ammo and the medicine for the guard at the beginning of the game and then it's time to face my first bandersnatch.

i wasn't as prepared for this thing as i would have liked and had no exploding arrows so i blew through way too much ammo downing it.

after i deal with it, i go downstairs and im treated to another cut scene. The bandersnatch isn't as dead as i would've liked and it grabs claire. thankfully steve comes to my rescue! he has the gold lugers and after he kills the bandersnatch(for good this time) claire offers to trade the machine guns i just picked up for them. steve accepts which i didn't expect. they have no ammo and claire laughs at steve's irritation before helping him get some ammo.

these two are so cute together....

after the cutscene ends, i take control of steve. He's offered to clear the way for claire and we do.

i'm so bad at this game. i blew through ammo, shot a barrel that i was standing too close to and had no idea would explode and steve is suffering once again.

steve has a picture of his family in his inventory... :(

after i clear the way, claire rejoins me. we're attacked by a zombie and steve is hesitant to kill it. this cut scene wasn't meant to be funny but holy shit. steve's voice acting is so terrible it's hard not to laugh at it. the zombie is steve's father and once it moves to bite claire, steve screams and unloads two magazines worth of ammo into his dear old dad.

i accidentally skipped steve's tragic back story LOL. i dropped my controller and hit the button. whoopsie.... but we watched it on youtube so i wouldn't miss out on anything. steve's dad worked for umbrella and used to steal and sell reasearch/secrets. he got caught and umbrella killed steve's mom and imprisoned him and his father. very sad... steve stays by his father's corpse and i take control of claire again.

my guide tells me its a good idea to bring the medicine i picked up earlier to the guard that released me from the beginning of the game. i decide to follow its advice and omfg im seriously wondering if finding extra ammo bc of the lockpick is worth losing my lighter over. the bats are sooo fucking annoying.

i go all the way back to the cell, give him his medicine and now i've gotta go all the way back to the palace to finally use my golden lugers.

i use the lugers and enter an office. i'm forced to watch another screening of the ashford twins killing the dragonfly on a computer and afterward i enter a password and a nearby... clock? chimes and opens a secret passage way.

i had to do this TWICE because the fucking bats almost killed me. I've survived bandersnatches, alfred ashford, and a giant fucking worm but it's going to be a bat that kills me?? ridiculous. i lost so much health the first time fighting the stupid things i decided it's best to just reload because i was going to have to go back into the bat-infested room and i didn't want to die to them. i'd saved recently so it wasn't a big deal.

once i've made it upstairs in the mansion i watch alexia talk to alfred about claire. she promises to deal with claire herself and they leave the room. i immediately go into it.

in the room is a music box playing the ashford's favorite song. i stop the music and the bed raises to reveal a key.

i take the key and its back to the palace we go.

there is so much backtracking here so i'll spare you.

i get a shield emblem, find a report from HUNK, and manage to get my stuff out of the security room. i also find an insane doctor's torture chamber, an upgrade for my handgun, and the doctor himself, only he's now zombified.

after i get the music piece i need i head back to the palace. as i'm about to enter the building.... Wesker appears....!!!

he's so goofy in this game. the voice acting is all over the place it's so funny. he rants about how much he hates chris, throws claire around, and decides to spare her before taking off again. drama queen....

after the cutscene ends i run into the palace, put the music in the piano and get the ant object i need. i decide to call it quits here for the day, i got a lot done and the depressing lack of ammo in inventory is stressing me out. next time we're heading back to the training facility and god only knows what's gonna happen in there. :/

jul. 16. 24- back in the saddle and ready to explore this huge palace. really looking forward to the ridculousness i know is coming. the ashfords are eccentric and i'm intrigued by whatever the hell is wrong with them(disgustingly rich bioterrorists).

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remembered to put my ribbons away, huge w. i always forget to in re1 lol.

afterward, i get the id card from underneath the cabinet and make my way downstairs to enter the id into the computer. i really love the mini menus used on the computers, such a fun detail. the door i need unlocks and i'm on my way again.

i make a quick detour in a nearby bat-filled bathroom to pick up a first aid spray and a briefcase. i immediately go back the safe room to deposit both.

i leave and go back downstairs and through the door i unlocked earlier. to my joy its filled with zombies. i have been blowing through ammo btw, im actually a little worried i may be screwing myself over.

after i deal with my undead pals i go into a nearby room.

i poke around the room and find a button, lowering a projector where i watch child alfred pull the wings off a dragonfly and feed the poor thing to ants. he and alexia share a normal and not creepy at all stare that i'm sure the person filming felt no horrible foreboding about what so ever. the movie ends and an alcove appears.

inside the alcove is a ship's wheel and the amazing gold lugers. my guide begs me not to take them no matter how tempted i am so i listen. i leave the room and make for the entrance of the palace to leave.

before i do that, my old friend steve screams and i have to rush back into the room i just left. once i've arrived i'm treated to a cutscene that made dutch and i guffaw for a good 15 minutes.

steve is suffering :(

steve took the gold lugers and is paying the price. after laughing at him i solve the puzzle and free him.

steve is funny, but i really don't think he was intended to be as funny as i find him. literally every time he's on screen i'm beside myself. idk if it's his voice or the fact that he's really dumb but either way, i love him.

he refuses to give me the gold lugers and runs off. typical. i leave and i'm interrupted by yet another wailing man.

this time it's alfred and he's trying to snipe me. guess trespassing is frowned upon even during a zombie outbreak.

claire has a snark off with alfred that would put leon to shame. i love her attitude so much. i think she learned it from chris but got better at than him and he regrets ever teaching her anything.

i leave the palace after that drama, grab the crest from the courtyard and make my way down to the sub.

this next part is literally... bizarre lmao. taking a sub down to a hangar where a military jet is waiting for me. like. it's so. much. i get the sidepack once i'm in the sub, thank god. my inventory and heart grow three sizes. i make my way to the plane's lift, insert my green emblem and now i'm off to get the umbrella keycard.

it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure the crane out but i do. i operate the lift, get jumped by zombies on it, blow through all my ammo, and finally get the key card i needed.

i was furious because according to my guide, two green herbs should be here by the lift. on my game, they were nowhere to be seen. i take the l on them and make my way back to the palace and to the save room where i call it quits for the evening.

sounds like i'll be fighting a worm and something called a bandersnatch next. i wanna make a joke about that but i'm honestly too scared.

jul. 13. 24 - officially started playing! this game is a notoriously frustrating installment so i will be using a guide to prevent hard locking myself. i love these old games but reloading is not really an option when your saves are limited and there's so much shit you have to do in between them.

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the game opens with a decently long cutscene of claire trying to escape from an umbrella facility, getting caught, and arrested. when we take control of claire, someone is approaching and we need our lighter to see better. yay! "tutorials"! only, not really. the game gives us a little playing guide in claire's inventory but otherwise, we're not explicitly told how to do anything, not to mention it was written for ps2 controls and i'm playing on ps5. only some things are where they claim to be. the first few seconds of these old re games is usually spent trying to get the lay of the controls anyway, and i was able to figure them out fairly quickly. i both love and hate this, tbh. It makes you feel like you're blundering along in the dark alongside the character you're playing, but these old games aren't exactly accessible.

i've grown to love tank controls. it's definitely easier to get used to them now that i have completed so many old re games. i struggled horribly the first time dutch and i played re5 but now i get through all of them relatively easily! (still have my moments. lots of them.)

after i light my lighter i see that the person approaching me is the man that arrested me. he's badly wounded and tells me that something has attacked the island i'm being detained on. he lets me go, tells me i won't last anyway, and sends me on my way. yay!

i make way out of the building and into a graveyard where i watch an explosion knock a briefcase from some nearby wreckage. this explosion also wakes up zombies. the guide tells me to practice with my knife, so of course i decide to run. i get bit about four times. whatever. i run to the next area where i meet steve who has a totally normal voice.

i follow the guide's instructions and it leads me to an area with a security system. such a fun, irritating system that i kept trying to get the better of despite knowing it wouldn't work. in this area i figure out that i need whatever is in the briefcase in the graveyard full of zombies and fire. i make my first save and go into the next room to find steve googling my brother instead of trying to reach out for help. awesome.

claire takes charge because... literally wtf steve and emails leon (yay!) hoping he can get in contact with chris. steve takes off because of course he does and i go on my merry way to find a fire extinguisher. (ive heard this item eventually screws people over, i may have misheard.)

after getting the extinguisher i make way to the wreckage, get the briefcase and the special alloy within, and make my way back to the bunkhouse. not before getting mauled by like... a million dogs. seriously they just kept coming.

i was honestly terrified i was going to die during this whole fiasco because i had no herbs, a full inventory and i'd done about a trillion things since my last save. but i somehow managed to make it back in one shambling piece and scan the alloy to make the emblem i needed. i backtrack to the gate and make my way into the the military training site.

i was so desperate for a safe room, my inventory was still out of control, my health was still bad because there were dogs everywhere and. yeah. i was having a rough go. still held on despite it all and got my crossbow and locker key. yippieeeee.

what the hell is with that skeleton painting.

now onto the palace.

i got mauled by dogs. AGAIN. trying to get into the place. really started to sweat here bc they just wouldn't go down or stay still and i was on death's door. alfred is already pissing me off bc his dogs are out of control.

i make it, somehow, and run into the palace. this place is fun. these umbrella people are so over the top with their stupid puzzle mansions tho. i run to the safe room bc i'm super anxious to get my inventory under control and save. i organize my inventory and save, deciding to call it quits for the night.

i really like this game a lot, even tho i'm not really that far in. it's campy and funny and i can already tell its going to become a favorite.