jan.31.25- holy crap lois... i've been so busy playing stardew i keep forgetting to update this log!!! i've been working on my ginger island farm, trying to get as much ground tilled for ancient fruit that i possibly can, just working on making seeds rn. i've also been grinding to get obelisks. i managed to get two so far, ginger island and calico desert. this is so corny but i'm actually so proud of myself LOL. on my ps5 file i don't have a single obelisks and i'm in year 5. crazy..
i had to fight like hell in the volcano mines, a task that had previously intimidated me but now it's almost.... boring. i feel like i fly through it. i managed to get all 10 dragon teeth that i need quicker than i thought i would which was awesome and now i'm thinking i might try and grind out skull caverns some more. i hate skull caverns though so... maybe not.. also mr. qi stop condescending me for using staircases. this game is hard enough as it is!
jan.22.25- omg. i've been at war with wanting to be on my computer so i've been avoiding updating this LOL.... but i've gotten a LOT done. i DID invest in a horse like i said i would... it's made getting around a lot easier but i keep misplacing her somehow and i've got no idea how LOL
on fall 1 of year 2 I completed my community center! i was sad to see the junimos go... but its okay because i will be filling my farm with junimo huts :)
on the last day of fall i managed to scrape enough void essence together for the void pendant to ask krobus to live with me!
winter felt strangely busy for the first time in any of my playthroughs. i got a lot done! i'd been saving resources to repair the ginger island boat and so i'd only needed to scrounge together some more hardwood which was easy once i'd got to level 10 of the foraging skill. i spent a few days on ginger island and even managed to speed my way through the volcano mine for my prismatic shard before realizing with horror i'd forgotten to upgrade one of my coops and a barn for the auto feeders. my animals were hungry... so for the rest of winter i focused on decorating my farm, building friendship with the townsfolk, and getting my combat skill to level 10.
i'd also been hoarding supplies for the movie theater and when my sturgeon roe finally turned to caviar i ran it over and completed the theater bundle!
i was mostly hoping to get a good review from grandpa so i wanted to make sure i got as much done as possible before the year was out.
i managed to get to four hearts with pretty much every one besides leo and sandy. which i really should've been able to do because i did some skull caverns/volcano mine combat grinding and couldve just brought them a gift before i dipped into the caves... oh well.
i was super excited about how much i was able to get done but for some reason was still worried i wouldn't get all four candles on grandpa's review. which is crazy because i think just having my community center, ginger island, and the movie theater completed was enough LOL. but i passed... i have my iridium cat and now i'm working on upgrading all my tools to iridium now.
yayyy i passed grandpa's judegment...
i also managed to get a mastery level last night so i went with farming for the first one... i second guessed myself for a minute but holy shit that iridium scythe is crazy. I think i might go for the fishing/mining bundle next i'm not sure...
now i'm focusing on decorating my house a bit and starting my ancient fruit empire... i realllllyyy want the obelisks for ginger island and calico desert so i need at least 2mil and some change bc i do NOT want to be broke LOL. i need to get my ginger island farm under control first and that means so i've been making sure my stardew farm is in order before i disappear to the island for a month LOL. I also need it to storm so i can get some damn batteries for sprinkers. still so much to do... i also have to get to the bottom of skull caverns but i fucking hate that place so... no.
jan.3.25-recently got stardew valley on steam so that means i'm starting over! and sweating my ass off trying to complete the community center... again... i forgot what a slog year one is in this game. but i'm already well on my way!
i've already made really good progress on my community center, in fact, today i completeled the mining section and got the carts fixed so now i can zip through a good section of the valley.
I think the next section I complete will either be the fishing bundles or the foraging bundles. depends on if I catch an eel this fall or if the traveling cart gets me a sandfish(doubt...). so it will likely be the foraging bundles come this winter...
I have been fishing like CRAZY in this file. which is wild because when i first started playing stardew i absolutely hated fishing. it took me so long to complete my community center because i was sooo awful at fishing. i think i ended up buying a majority of the fish i needed to complete the bundles lol... but i'm already like... level 9 on this file and majority of my income is from the fish i sell LOL.